Integrated transmission planning process approved by FERC
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - FERC approved SPP's Integrated Transmission Planning process (ITP), which was approved by the SPP Board of Directors in October 2009.
"The ITP will assess the SPP region's transmission needs in the long-and near-term to create a cost-effective, flexible, and robust transmission network. More transmission means better access to our region's diverse generation resources," said SPP Senior Vice President of Engineering and Regulatory Policy Les Dillahunty. "Along with the recently-approved Highway/Byway cost allocation methodology, the ITP promotes transmission investment that will meet reliability, economic, and public policy needs."
According to FERC Chairman Wellinghoff, "SPP management and its Members have developed a proactive approach to planning…It is also a flexible approach that allows SPP and its stakeholders to regularly assess whether that process is achieving its objectives and to adjust as the needs of the system change...other regions may want to follow its lead." Read the FERC news release.