SPP COVID-19 Response Update - April 9, 2020
We hope you are still making plans to attend our quarterly board-level meetings in April and July. The April meetings will all be conducted via WebEx.
Meeting virtually rather than in-person will require us to facilitate meeting logistics differently than we would under normal circumstances. We still want all of our stakeholders to have a meaningful voice consistent with our member-driven business model, and we will provide all meeting registrants instructions for effectively using the web conferencing platform prior to each event.
It’s not too late to register for these and other meetings:
- April 14: Markets and Operations Policy Committee
- April 15: Strategic Planning Committee
- April 27: Joint Quarterly Stakeholder Briefing and Regional State Committee
- April 28: Board of Directors/Members Committee
The July meetings of these groups have been moved to Little Rock, pending of course our ability to return to in-person meetings by then. That decision will be made and communicated to you at a later date.
We are still taking every reasonable precaution to protect our staff so we can continue to provide you the services on which you depend. Since our last update to you, we have outfitted a third control room from which we can administer real-time reliability and other services should either of our current sites become unusable due to illness among operations staff. Thankfully, to date, none of our employees have tested positive for COVID-19.
Thanks to our members and market participants for providing SPP’s operations staff valuable and timely information about generation capacity, resource outages and staffing. It has been invaluable in helping us accurately assess capacity assurance. Please continue to share probable and actual operational impacts to SPP’s operations team. Every one of us has a role to play in maintaining systemwide reliability, and, as circumstances evolve, it’s critical that we keep the lines of communication open and continue to partner with one another to keep the lights on.
You can stay updated on our pandemic response at spp.org/covid-19. Please contact your customer relations representative or email communication@spp.org with questions.
Thank you for the continued trust you place in SPP. We greatly value your partnership.