June 11, 2020

SPP COVID-19 Response Update - June 11, 2020

Dear stakeholders –

I hope this message finds you well. The past few weeks have seen a lot of change. In our communities, we have seen pain and protest, a renewed rise in coronavirus cases and businesses adapting to a new normal. At SPP, we have had new members join our organization, welcomed our first class of remotely working summer interns and approved a framework for our employees’ return to our offices.

Decisions regarding when and how to return employees to our office building will always put their health and safety first. For that reason, our leadership team has decided to postpone the initiation of our return plan until Sept. 8, 2020. Face-to-face meetings and business travel will also not resume until that date at the earliest. Confirmed cases and hospitalizations in our state due to COVID-19 have continued to grow. I am glad to report that we still have no confirmed cases among our staff. We will continue best practices to keep our employees healthy and continue providing our essential services.

We have engaged an epidemiologist to tour our facility this week to review the controls we have in place and make recommendations for those we plan to implement. We are also examining internal policies and resources to support a longer-term transition with flexibility for continued work-from-home opportunities.

As always, you can stay updated on our pandemic response at spp.org/covid-19. Please contact your customer relations representative or email communication@spp.org with questions.

Take good care,


Derek Wingfield, 501-614-3394, dwingfield@spp.org