May 21, 2020

SPP COVID-19 Response Update - May 21, 2020

Stakeholders –

I am proud to announce that our regional transmission organization membership is growing. Over the past few weeks, we welcomed two new members to Southwest Power Pool:  Roughrider Electric Cooperative became a member April 30, and EDF Renewables will be our newest member, effective June 1. These additions bring our member company count to 100 for the first time in SPP’s history.

I applaud the efforts of our entire SPP team to provide seamless essential services while many of them are working from home. We continue to make progress and continue, as much as possible, our core business as usual.

We look forward to an eventual return of all staff to our main offices. This week, our leadership team set a new date to begin a phased return of staff to our main campus in Little Rock. If all criteria are met, including a 14-day downward trajectory of new cases in Arkansas, we will begin phase one of our return plan July 6. Rest assured we are carefully monitoring the pandemic as it evolves and are continuing to put the safety and well-being of our employees at the top of our priority list.

As we settle in to new ways of doing our work and working with you, my updates may become less frequent. I welcome the stability our team has created in uncertain times. As always, we will continue to communicate critical information or changes in a timely manner.

You can stay updated on our pandemic response at Please contact your customer relations representative or email with questions.

Take good care,

Barbara Sugg
SPP President & CEO

Derek Wingfield, 501-614-3394,