SPP files WEIS Tariff with FERC
On Feb. 21, 2020, SPP filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a tariff that defines rates, terms and conditions for the Western Energy Imbalance Services (WEIS) market. The WEIS Tariff defines the market’s rules and obligations for market participants and for SPP as the market operator. The tariff includes a market participant agreement effective on the date each market participant begins participating in WEIS. SPP will administer the WEIS Tariff separate from its Open Access Transmission Tariff.
The WEIS Tariff filing with FERC is one milestone on the path to western market implementation in 2021.
The WEIS market is one of several components of SPP’s Western Energy Services family of contract-based products. SPP administers the Western Interconnection Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan and reliability coordination services for a number of western utilities.