July 9, 2018
Spring 2018 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights load changes, energy prices and auction revenue rights
The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Marketing Monitoring Unit (MMU) has released its Quarterly State of the Market Report for the spring 2018 period, which covers March through May 2018.
Highlights for the period include:
- Higher load due to lower than normal temperatures in March and April, and much higher than normal temperatures in May.
- Energy prices remained low, with spring prices averaging around $23/MWh.
- Decrease in intervals that experienced negative energy prices.
- A discussion of auction revenue rights is included in the special issues section of the report.
For more details, the entire report can be found at https://www.spp.org/spp-documents-filings/?id=18590.
For additional information, contact sppmarketmonitoring@spp.org.