Search Syntax

There are a number of advanced search features available when looking for specific content on the SPP search page.  Here is a search syntax list with examples of how to use the syntax to locate specific pieces of content.

Required (+)

By using the required operator you are telling the search that the term following the + must be included in the results.  For example, if you wanted to search for all documents that had the word SPP and bylaws in a field you would use: +SPP +bylaws

AND (&&)

Using the AND operator will allow you to look up content within the site using has multiple requirements.  For example, if you wanted to search for documents that had the word Comments NOPR in the title and SPP in the description you would use: Name:"Comments NOPR" && Description:SPP


To search for terms using the OR operator you would put a space between the two terms you want to search.  For example, if you want to search for page content that looks for SPP and bylaws you would search: SPP bylaws

NOT (-)

By using the NOT operator you can exclude certain terms from a search.  For example if you want to find all page content that has Market in the title but you don't want the title to include the word Energy you would search: nodeName:market -nodeName:energy

Searchable Fields

Different tabs within the search are able to search different fields within the content.  Below is a list of the tabs and what fields are searchable.


  • Name:"Operating Budget 2008"
  • Description:"little rock"
  • FileName:"Southwest"
  • Docket:"RT04-1"
  • Keywords:"budget 2008"


  • nodeName
  • term_name
  • acronym
  • definition

Page Content, Events, Org Groups, and News Articles

  • nodeName
  • metaTitle
  • metaDescription
  • metaKeywords
  • description
  • title
  • longTitle
  • body
  • titleNews
  • shortDescription