November 20, 2019

SPP receives certification to provide Western Reliability Coordination service starting Dec. 3, 2019

On Nov. 15, SPP received certification from the North American Electricity Reliability Corporation for its Western Reliability Coordination service in the Western Interconnection. The certification confirms SPP has the necessary tools, processes, training, procedures and personnel to operate as a reliability coordinator in the west beginning Dec. 3, 2019.

SPP has served as a NERC-certified reliability coordinator (RC) in the Eastern Interconnection since 1997 and is currently one of 10 U.S. RCs in the east. Recognized as an industry leader in the field for its state-of-the-art tools, continuous monitoring systems and superior operator training programs, SPP has an RC service territory today that extends from the Canadian border to the Texas panhandle. Since 2006, SPP has seamlessly managed four large implementations of RC services representing approximately 40 GW of load.

Derek Wingfield, 501-614-3394,