Western Resource Adequacy Program

Benefits of Resource Adequacy

The integrated regional power system is in transition. The impending retirement of several thermal generators within and outside the region (the Western US and Canada) mixed with increasing variable energy resources, has led to questions about whether the region will continue to have an adequate supply of electricity during critical hours. In the past four years, several studies have identified an urgent and immediate challenge to the regional electricity system's ability to provide reliable electric service during high demand conditions. 

These developments threaten to upset the balance of loads and resources within the region and, if not properly addressed, will increase the risk of supply disruptions during winter and summer, increase financial risk for utility customers and hinder the ability of the system to meet environmental goals and legal requirements.  

Working Together to Increase Reliability

In 2019, WPP and a broad coalition of stakeholders initiated an effort to establish the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP). The WRAP seeks to enhance and increase reliability for entities across the footprint while maintaining existing responsibilities for reliable operations and observing existing frameworks for planning, purchasing and delivering energy. The program includes not only participants from within the footprint of the legacy WPP programs and services, but new participants from across the west and desert southwest.

The WRAP greatly enhances reliability for the participants, especially given the increasing uncertainty of impacts in an ever-changing resource and demand mix, while also helping to optimize costs throughout. 

SPP’s Role as Program Operator

In 2021, WPP chose SPP to provide program operator services for the WRAP.

SPP’s services as a program operator include performing forward showing and operations program functions, modeling and system analytics, real-time operations, continual technical improvement and IT systems work.

For more information about the Western Power Pool’s Western Resource Adequacy Program, visit www.westernpowerpool.org/about/programs/western-resource-adequacy-program