Z2 Resettlement

Z2 Status Report Net Conference

TIME: December 16, 2024 1:00PM - 2:00PM
TIME ZONE: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Z2 is an attachment to SPP’s tariff, approved by FERC, that outlines a process to compensate utilities, generation owners, and others within the SPP footprint for transmission upgrades that enhance grid capabilities. These upgrades enable access to increased electricity generation, benefiting the overall system.

SPP is actively working to comply with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) mandate to resettle invoices related to specific transmission upgrades. This complex task has posed significant challenges for both SPP and its members, but a resolution is anticipated in the near future.

The issue has evolved over the past 15 years and is expected to involve the resettlement of several hundred million dollars in electricity purchases. The process involves navigating a complicated mix of legal, financial, and engineering factors that need to be restructured in a way that satisfies court requirements while remaining feasible to implement. SPP is treating this matter with the utmost priority, with multiple departments and numerous staff members dedicated to finding a solution.

To learn more about the Z2 resettlement and its progress download the Z2 FAQs document

To receive email updates about the Z2 resettlement process, related meetings, and more, subscribe to the Z2 Resettlement Exploder. (To subscribe, log into your SPP.org account using the button at the top right of page. From the list of available Exploders on your account page, check the box next to Z2 Resettlement, then submit your changes. You'll begin to receive Z2 related news via email from z2@spplist.spp.org.)