2021-2026 Strategic Plan

In April 2020, Southwest Power Pool charted a course to develop our five-year strategic plan. This document frames the process and distills the key elements of that strategy. We will utilize mechanisms to track and report progress toward aspirations and make mid-course adjustments. This plan is intentionally flexible, yet with a solid foundation.

The most important driver of the process was a sincerely held belief that our stakeholders should be aligned around the direction we intend to travel together. Given the diversity of stakeholders that strengthens the SPP organization, we decided to engage our board, members, regulators, and SPP executives throughout the planning effort.

What is our fundamental purpose?

SPP is an active and direct partner with our members and other stakeholders. Together, we will deliver reliable power in a fiscally, socially, environmentally sound manner. We will adapt to solve today’s challenges and prepare for future opportunities. Our strengthened mission statement: Working together to responsibly and economically keep the lights on today and in the future.

Who do we aspire to be?

Our leadership shows up in how we make decisions, treat our employees and set an example for the industry. We don’t lead alone, we lead in collaboration with the entire SPP ecosystem. In our shared future, more people will have more accessible, reliable, sustainable, flexible and affordable power. SPP will deliver grid services and energy better than any available alternative. Our bold vision is: Leading our industry to a brighter future while delivering the best energy value.

What sets us apart?

Our value proposition defines our committed approach to providing value that differentiates ourselves from others. These differentiators reflect why our members value their participation in SPP and why they and others will want to participate in the future.

How will we define success?

We asked ourselves, “Where do we want to be in five years?” By starting with our desired destination, we identify strategic opportunities and required enabling capabilities for us to get there. These aspirations give us a common language to help us make strategic choices and carry them through to operational reality.

How will we deliver our strategy?

Our game plan has two primary areas of activity: strategic opportunities and enabling capabilities. Our portfolio of five strategic opportunities is balanced across a spectrum that ranges from efforts intended to “strengthen the core” all the way to “change the game.”

On the “strengthen the core” end of the spectrum are things we know how to do well and we have the capabilities to execute. Efforts that can “change the game” are designed to achieve longer-term, but potentially even greater, value and benefit for our membership. They may require more significant investment and planning, but with proper execution and management are achievable and impactful for the region and membership.

Our enabling capabilities are designed both to support our strategic opportunities and to help us understand how resources need to be allocated to execute our strategy.

With our mission as our foundation, our vision as our long-term destination and our aspirations as our guide for the next five years, we are set up for success. We are equipped with an unmatched value proposition for our stakeholders, and a plan to create our shared future.