Detailed Project Proposals

During the Integrated Transmission Planning (ITP) process — once the applicable ITP study scope has been approved and the needs assessment performed — SPP shall notify stakeholders of the identified transmission needs and provide a transmission-planning response window of 30 calendar days. During this time, any stakeholder may submit a Detailed Project Proposal (DPP). The DPP's information must be sufficient to allow SPP to evaluate the project described by the DPP in accordance with Section III.6 of Attachment O of the SPP Tariff and SPP Business Practice 7650. All DPPs will be kept confidential.

If the project described in the DPP is selected and approved for construction as a Competitive Upgrade, the submitting stakeholder may be eligible to receive incentive points pursuant to the eligibility requirements described in Section III.2.f.iv of the Tariff's Attachment Y.

The DPP Submittal Form is available only as an Excel spreadsheet in response to member comments and SPP process improvements, and all DPPs and other solution submittals must be submitted on the DPP Submittal Form. This will enable SPP staff to utilize automation to extract the information from the DPP Submittal Form and evaluate forms quicker.

ITP Posting (formerly part of Order 1000 Documents)
Order 1000 Documents

DPP Transmission Planning Response Windows

Current Open Response Window Dates

Opens: 12:01 AM February 16, 2024
Closes: 11:59 PM March 21, 2024
All times are Central Time

Next Open Response Window Proposed Dates
