Holistic Integrated Tariff Team
Holistic Integrated Tariff Team
On March 13, 2018, the SPP board of directors approved the Creation of the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team (HITT). The Team has the goal of taking a holistic look at the many issues challenging the SPP region. Specifically, the HITT is tasked to explore and assess the following areas:
- SPP’s transmission planning and study processes, including, but not limited to, Generation Interconnections (GI); the GI queue; Aggregate Studies; Energy Resource Interconnection Service (ERIS) and Network Resource Interconnection Service (NRIS); capacity requirements, including more attributes than energy; and related FERC planning requirements;
- Transmission cost allocation issues, including. but not limited to, Highway/Byway, directly assigned costs, Attachment Z2 credits, cost allocation impacts on transmission pricing zones with large wind resources, and state by state supply resource mix requirements and/or goals;
- Integrated Marketplace impacts related to a changing resource mix, access to lower cost generation, potential changes in production tax credits, approach of using market-based compensation for varying attributes of different types of generators, etc.;
- Disconnects or potential synergies between transmission planning and real-time reliability and economic operations; and
- Additional areas and/or issues as appropriate and reasonably related to its scope of work.
Upon gathering all pertinent information the Team is expected to issue a report to the SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee containing a set of high-level recommendations that provide solutions for the region by April 2019.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Nebraska Public Power District
Vice President and General Manager
Dogwood Energy, LLC
Executive Vice President of Regulatory and Legal
Southwest Power Pool