Western Reliability Working Group
Western Reliability Working Group
The Western Reliability Working Group (WRWG) is a forum to assist in the development, coordination, and implementation of policies, procedures, and systems enhancements related to the reliable and secure operation of the Bulk Electric System within the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Reliability Coordinator (RC) Area in the Western Interconnection, under the direction of the Western Reliability Executive Committee (WREC). Through participation in the WRWG, representatives of entities taking RC service from SPP in the Western Interconnection (RC Customers), support the SPP RC in the Western Interconnection with ensuring the SPP RC in the Western Interconnection operating policies are consistent with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) regional reliability standards as well as applicable WEQ Business Practice Standards of the North American Energy Standards Board, Inc. (NAESB). The WRWG provides oversight and direction for the SPP RC in the Western Interconnection. The WRWG provides policy input and support to the WREC, as requested, and reports directly to the WREC.
Document Groups
Power System Operations Supervisor
Platte River Power Authority
Grid Operations Manager
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Manager - System Operations West